Thursday, January 14, 2021

Conscious Abilities Book


Brought to you by the authors of "The Indigo Child's Survival Guide" -Baker Jacinto & Deidra Rae (aka- Mama Indigo)

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The Backstory: Baker approached me (Mama Indigo) to write another book, after The ICSG. I said, "Let's write this one for everyone." So, instead of writing for a certain niche, we wrote THE BOOK, for ALL of humanity. We collected our knowledge, wisdom, and research that we have been studying our whole lives to bring this knowledge to the people.

We understand this knowledge needs to be known world wide and should be free. Please, understand to make this available world wide, we have to use hosting sites and POD (print on demand). These services cost. We keep the prices close to costs. Please share with everyone!

Conscious Abilities Synopsis:
[They] don't want us to know that we have more power than we've been made aware of - because when we are aware of our greatness, our power, our sovereignty, we will no longer need them and they will lose the power and control they have known for so long.

The knowledge [they] have kept hidden from you. Quantum Physics has proven it. Imagine combining "The Secret," with Religion, Spirituality, Quantum Physics, and the wisdom of Ancient Teachers; along with Human Physiology.

A journey through the self. The authors created an amazingly brilliant guide to get you through your mind, heart, and soul. Whether you have traveled through the world of self-guided help and enlightenment before, or you are brand new in this journey, this book is everything you need. It takes an epic and legendary approach; gently and candidly leads you through without judgment. It explains the science behind what the ancients knew, in a simple and logical easy-to-understand way.

The idea of connecting with the authentic self of one's true nature is described in a very inspiring language in this timeless book. Filled with information that will shock, guide, and inspire every person that reads this one of a kind legendary book. Reading it once is not enough. It is a book that you can rely on to change your world every single time you read it. This book will not only change your world, but it can help everyone work together and repair humanity. 

5 Star Reviews from our readers on Amazon:

I gave away my book before even finishing it because ITS THAT GOOD...
I have NEVER given a book away before completing it but the young soul who picked it up off of my table was so engulfed in it's word that I knew the universe had bigger plans for me and your writing! Just budgeted to buy 10 more to do a book study.
I cannot express my gratitude for the work, love, dedication and research put into this literary masterpiece of GOLD." -BisBake

"Great, soul filling read!
I read this book. It was insightful as well as perceptive. It was a journey of peace for me. It is amazing to find an author/ Authors who can take so many of the the ideals I believe in and feel everyday spiritually and put them so beautifully into words." -Dan Ticehurst

"Educate your Soul.
This book was incredible. By incredible I mean you just can't read it once. The amount of profound growth and enlightenment in the pages are mind blowing, humbling, and deeply moving. This a book you will use for life." -Amy B.

"Conscious Abilities is all we need to change the world ?? Life Changing book!!
For the empath that is just discovering their abilities this book will change the way you see the world, I’m ready to go out and spread the happiness inside me that this book helped me bring out." -Julianna

Available in ebook and paperback. Discover more with your copy.

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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Hard Truth and The Choice To Get Out Of Depression

It is horrible that the apparent suicide of Robin Williams and the various opinions about his passing had to be what inspired me to write this post. I found myself getting pulled in to the discussions. I would never speak up with my opinion about a topic I am unfamiliar with, as I do guide from my own experiences. I must say what bothered me most about any discussion I found myself in was that these people had the audacity to say, "You obviously have never been depressed."

Who are you to judge that this is something I have never experienced? How dare you assume that just because I live a very happy life (now) that I have no idea what it is like to be pulled down in to the depths of depression? How would you know what I have experienced and felt if you never asked me? Because guess what? I HAVE been there, several times.

I have been at the lowest of lows, at the point to where I had the rope hanging over the rafters, around my neck, and ready to jump. I have been in the garage with the car running and everything closed up. I have had the blade to my wrists. I have had the plastic bag over my head. I have been there many times and for one reason or another, something always came up that stopped me. So how dare you say that I have no idea what a depressed person is going through.

Honestly, I never said a word to anyone about my intentions. I hid my depression fairly well. Very few recognized my despair and did little to cheer me up. Most did not notice the subtle cries for help because they were too consumed by their own issues. I have never spoken of this, until now.

I am not sharing this with you for any sort of pity. That is the last thing a person who is depressed needs. I am sharing this with you so that you understand what does go through a person's mind and what they really need to hear from you.

Depression sucks. It hurts. It is lonely, no matter how many people surround you. To have someone tell you, "Cheer up," and then watch them be happy in their own life makes you even more angry and depressed. But at the same time, to have someone coddle you, cry with you, and tell you, "I know you are hurting. Life sucks," does even more damage. The pity, the focus on the negativity, and the "poor baby" mentality only serves to fuel the depression and allows the person to spiral deeper into the darkness. 

Suicide is a cowardly and selfish act.  I do understand that it is the choice to give up on life and what appears to be the easiest way out for someone in that low state of mind. It takes more courage to not do it and more strength to pull yourself out of that mentality. Depression itself is a state of mind that focuses on "Me. Me. Me." Redirect the focus. Redirect the attitude.

The last discussion I was in was with a person who disagreed with my opinion. The original post was "Come here and let me smack some positive sense into you." (Note that it was posted before the news of Robin Williams hit.) You absolutely can smack (metaphorically speaking) positive sense into someone. Not everyone can handle the hard truth, so a gentler way may be necessary. But they still need to hear the truth. It was exactly the type of thing I needed to hear when I finally made the choice to take the focus off of "poor me" and redirected my focus to helping others.

This person also stated that they hoped I never had to talk someone out of depression, or worse, a suicide. Well, I have with several people, unknowingly until later when they came back to me to thank me for being there, telling them like it is, and then admitting to me what they were about to do before I recognized their cry for help. Their gratitude is what keeps me going.

Many times over, someone has come to me to complain about their life. Not all are clinically depressed, and not all are considering suicide; however, if the negativity continues to spiral downward, it is a matter of time before they reach that point. I simply listen. Any suggestions I give are for that person alone and usually is exactly opposite of what they are thinking and what others have told them. At those times, I am unaware of this, I only suggest what my instincts tell me based on my own experiences.

What is the hard truth? That you have the choice to make your life what it is. You have the choice to go out there and do something different. Your own attitude and perspective will shape your day. You do not even have to be declared clinically depressed to have a bad day or a bad week. Everyone goes through difficult trials. The choice is if you allow it to break you, or if you choose to allow it to make you stronger.

The reasons behind someone's depression are different for each person. Some will seek help, some will not. If you or someone you know is in this state of mind, please open up. Say something. If you are dealing with depression begin by helping others to find their joy, and in turn you will find yours. Direct your attention to what you appreciate, what you have, and what you enjoy doing.

If you know someone who is showing signs of depression, pay attention. Listen to them and help them find their joy. Encourage them to do something different, step out of the comfort zone, and take control of their life.

It is a choice. The only way to come out of depression is to make the choice to do so and make the effort to continue to do so. No one can make that choice for you. Medications are only a band aid, attempting to balance out any chemical imbalance. Everything begins with a conscious thought; a choice. And if you are suffering from depression, you need to know that only you can make that choice. No excuses. You CAN do it. 

I will be honest with you, it will not be easy. In fact, it will be the hardest thing you ever do. I promise you though, when you decide to climb out of your path of self destruction, choose to better yourself in every way, choose to be a service to others with love, kindness, and compassion, it will get better.

Since I made the choice to appreciate what I had, made the effort to change my perspective by looking for the positive side of things, and dedicated my life to be of some sort of service to others, I found my life to be pretty good. Every day it gets better.

Even now as I write this, looking back on my life, I am grateful that I never completed those suicide attempts. I would be missing out on the amazing life I have now; and it is all because someone hit me hard with the truth and I made the choice to change it.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Should Everyone Become a Vegetarian or Vegan?.. Guest Writer, Črt Milatovič

Many people have assumed that I am living a vegetarian lifestyle because of my spiritual beliefs, love for animals and just basic assumptions. Truth is, I tried a vegetarian diet for a year for my own personal reasons. In that year, my total body weight had dropped to a very unhealthy level for my age and the amount of physical activity I put out daily. I could not consume enough calories, proteins and minerals to keep up with my metabolism; my body requires meats.

Since then, I have learned to trust my cravings; the body knows what it needs. I do my best to avoid frozen, processed, canned and fast foods. My diet varies but kept as fresh as possible. Now, many of you may argue that eating meats is just wrong. And when others have said this, I would think, "Tell that to the Eskimos or the Native Americans." We are all made differently, with different needs.

I have asked my friend, fellow Indigo and chef, Črt Milatovič, to be a guest writer and share with you his thoughts about eating meats and a vegetarian or vegan diet. Here is his story:

In course of my life, I have been approached by many people. Vegetarians, vegans and all sorts. Of course for me, they were "preaching" to me that I should stop eating meat, that is the way and so on. But I took this knowledge, analyze it as I do with everything and see for what I had to know. In high school I was learning to become a chef. I learned how whole food industry works, I had practice lessons in various hotels and restaurants and see how everything works in the nutshell. What brought me to this point which is now.

We live in a times where people are becoming more and more vegetarian and vegan. But why is that? And why do talk so much about not eating meat? It is an interesting subject for me. I don't eat as much meat as I used to. Not because what I have been told but simply because I am listening to my intuition and my body. Vegetarian/vegan lifestyle is all fine, but we have to see that not everyone's person is wired the same as we do. Some people choose it because of the animal farming and slaughter houses. Some people are disgusted by meat. Others can't go on just vegetarian/vegan diet because of ther body is not meant to be like that. But here is the other side of the coin most people don't see it. 

Animals are far more intelligent and aware than human beings. The animals accompany us on this wonderful journey we are experiencing. And all these animals actually have a free will and choose and allow to be slaughtered. It is experience they are going trough in this life they are experiencing right now. Some won't agree or understand, but that is alright.

As same as animals, all the plants and vegetables and fruits are here alive. Yes you heard me, them too. So they too have feelings. They also sense us. And they too choose to be eaten. Now many people would say that scientifically it is proven otherwise. Perhaps, but here is lot of things that normal science can't prove. 

Everything on this planet is alive, from the human being, animal, plant, a crystal, grain of sand or just bare earth. We are all on this planet having together an experience. So next time you having a meal, just remember to be thankful for the food you eat, may it be just vegetables, fruit or meat and have a wonderful experience.

Guest Writer

*Thank you, to everyone who has dropped in to read my blog. If there is a specific topic you would like to read about or have any questions, you can email me at

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Living A Positive Life... Your Attitude Is Your Choice

Living a positive life is a choice you can make. The way you perceive situations and the attitude you carry with you is your decision. As I observe the world and listen to people talk about their lives I can not help but wonder why so many of them complain about their situations. I used to be one of them. One day, I woke up and simply decided to change my own attitude.

You are probably wondering how a person can just decide to be happy; it is really quite simple. Is it easy? No. It is something that does take a little work and a whole lot of practice. But just like anything that is worth doing is going to take some effort. With enough practice, eventually it will become a natural response like breathing.

It begins with being grateful for what you have. When you appreciate what you have, you can then begin to deserve what you want. Look around you. You have a place to sleep. You are wearing clothes. If you are reading this right now then you have some sort of internet access. What else do you have? What if you had less? Show some gratitude.

Now that you are beginning to be grateful for what you have you have already begun to shift your thoughts to the positive. How you phrase things also makes a difference. Choose your thoughts and words carefully. Instead of saying, "I hate it when..." it is much better to focus on what you like or love about something. Consider, "I love it when..." Your attitude and perception is always your choice. By focusing on what you love, you will attract more of what you love. Your thoughts begin it, your emotions amplify it and your actions increase the momentum.

 Happiness is not a destination; it is the journey.
To be happy is a choice you make. 
Your attitude and perception is under your complete control.

And you are on your way to living a positive life. What else can you do to to make it better? Are you going to stress over things that already happened? Or stress over things that have not happened yet?  You can not change the past and the future is ever changing; so enjoy what is right there in front of you in the present time. Just live in the moment.

The best way to enjoy those moments is to laugh, and laugh as often as possible. Laughter is the best medicine for the soul. It naturally heals the body. Laughter also raise your vibes as it overrides all other emotions. If something goes wrong in your day, find the humor in it. Almost anything can be found to be funny. It is all a matter of how you view things. Shift your perspective.

Yeah, things are going to come up, little issues that might rattle you. Shrug it off and go with the flow. Sometimes things happen to change your path; just roll with it. If you can change the situation, then handle it. If not, do not worry about it. Believe that everything will work out for the better. You may be amazed at where it will lead you; especially if you keep a positive attitude. It IS your choice.

To learn more about living a positive life, you can read my article
"5 Simple Steps to Living a Positive Life" at Baker The Brand Dot Com

If you are looking for a guide book to help you find your own path, learn how to pay attention to the signs the universe puts in front of you, along with taking control of your own mind while listening to your own intuition, I recommend "The Indigo Child's Survival Guide." It is not just for Indigos; anyone can learn from this simple to understand and a quick read guide book.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Energy Is Everywhere.. Breathe It In!

Sometimes we get so intrigued by the scenery we forget to notice the rock under our feet. We get so busy in our daily lives with work, kids, marriages, dating, bills, etc.. worrying about things that have yet to come. We often forget to slow down, be in the moment; appreciating what is right there in front of us.

Energy is everywhere! Shift your focus to a beautiful and positive view, centering yourself and your focus in the now. Today, I am sharing with you the Poet Knight's true story about paying attention to what is around you.
The Poet Knight's True Story...

I don't believe that we have just one “awakening.” I believe that awakenings come to us every day. Some are epiphanies, leaving us breathless; some pass unnoticed, a simple breath. I'm going to tell you about my epiphany in hopes that it might enable you to seek out and notice some of those “little” awakenings that are out there for the taking.


I'm a police officer and, as such, I work some pretty rough hours. Anyone who has found themselves working an overnight shift, struggling to keep your eyes open at 2 or 3 in the morning while your body and mind are screaming for sleep will know what I'm talking about. I was going through one such stretch and mentioned to Mama Indigo that I was having trouble staying awake and focusing. She mentioned something she called “Mindful Meditation.” “Focus on your surroundings,” she said, “just concentrate on everything around you.” Willing to try anything, I stopped and, from the passenger seat of my patrol car (I had a trainee driving), focused on some trees lining the roadway...


...and each individual tree, each individual leaf, every vein in those leaves jumped into stunning clarity. I could see the miracle of life contained in all of them. I could feel their energy running through me as if I'd been brought into their circuit. The visual impact alone was stunning; the internal sensory input overwhelmed me entirely. It fed my body, my mind, my soul, my Warrior Spirit.


I repeated this exercise several times over the following days. Every time I did it, the impact was there; familiar yet, somehow, new. I also noticed that, during this time, many other things snapped into place. I was able to read someone from nearly 2500 miles away, not only sensing which specific part of their back was bothering them, but even picking up on another injury, an old one that hadn't even been mentioned. Everything just MADE SENSE.


Go outside. Let the energy of an entire forest surround you as you stare at a single leaf. Let a breeze wash over you as you feel it caress every square inch of your skin. Pick out the voice of a single cricket in a chorus of insects. Become part of the world as you let the world become a part of you. Breathe it in.

 -Story written by The Poet Knight - Cop, poet, man.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Break Your Pattern... Wake up Your Mind!

I watch people all the time get stuck in a routine. After a while, it catches up to them. Either boredom sets in or it's complete exhaustion. The boredom is the worst. Your mind begins to numb as you routinely go through your day. Let me ask you this.. When was the last time you broke your pattern? I know you have responsibilities that you must take care of, but I am talking about those little things. Those little moments that create your life.

Wake Up Your Mind!

The best way to wake your mind up is to break your pattern. What I mean is if you normally go out every evening, stay home for the night. If you normally watch movies, pick up a book and release your imagination. Go explore and learn something new.. or do something you haven't done in a very long time.

I recently took a chance and jumped on an opportunity, an invite to a small outdoor concert; not something I normally do. Not only did I make a new friend and thoroughly enjoy the high energy of dancing to The Bomb, a cover band with a Latin funk style, we ended up catching 2 other bands at 2 more locations. *Whew* what a night! I broke my pattern and did something I hadn't done in a very long time and I feel refreshed. =)

I invite you to break your own pattern. If you normally stay home, go out for the evening. If reading a book every night is your thing, change it up and watch a movie or play a game with friends. There are a number of possibilities that are available to you. The choice is yours if you are going to take the opportunities or let them slip by you. Consider this your *kick* to do something different and wake up your mind. ;)